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Parish Picnic – June 2nd
Our annual parish picnic takes place on Sunday June 2nd after 11.30am Mass in the grounds of the parochial house.
All are welcome and a special invitation is extended to all our children from our three parish schools who celebrated their Holy Communion & Confirmation this year.
Taizé Prayer
Taizé Prayer: All are welcome to “Prayer around the Cross”, a time of quiet and reflection by candlelight with the music of Taizé.
Friday 7th June 8-9pm (followed by tea/coffee) at “Bethany” 34 Point Road, Dundalk. A91W0C9. Tel: 042-9331602.
Bake Sale for Camp Veritas
A Bake Sale to help raise funds to send young people to Camp Veritas Ireland will be held in the Parish Hall from 12 noon on Sunday June 9th.
Visit of Seminarians to the Parish
Two seminarians for our diocese, being formed through our Redemptoris Mater seminary in Dundalk, will be joining us for Masses in the parish over the weekend of the 15th and 16th June 2024 to introduce themselves and to assist in the liturgies.
So far, 7 priests have been ordained from the Redemptoris Mater Seminary for our diocese and there are
Sacrament of Confirmation 2024
Celebrating our children from all our parish schools who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation this past week, confirmed by Bishop Michael.
Mosstown Graveyard
From Mosstown Graveyard Committee
Mosstown Graveyard committee, both past and present, are extremely proud of their church and cemetery on the hilltop at Mosstown. Since 1988 the committee has made a constant commitment to look after its needs and ensure it looks its very best all year round for those who find it as their resting place.
We would