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New Issue of LLR Now Available
The new issue of the Lannléire Review is now available!
Copies are available at the back of St. Brigid’s and Dromin churches – and in many other places!
Bus for Fr. Murtagh Presentation Event – Friday 20th October
Bus for Fr. Murtagh Presentation Event – Friday 20th October
8pm St. Kevin’s Community Centre
If you’re planning to attend the presentation in St. Kevin’s on October 20th and would like to avail of a free bus service to the event, please text “Presentation & Bus & Your Name”
to 0863510496 as soon as possible.
Fr. Murtagh Presentation Event – Friday 20th October
Mass and Induction of Fr. Damien as Parish Priest
Archbishop Eamon will celebrate the 11.30am Mass in St. Brigid’s on Sunday October 22nd, during which Fr. Damien will be formally inducted as our parish priest.
This Mass includes Fr. Damien’s Interrogation by the Archbishop, his Profession of Faith & his Oath of Fidelity. Refreshments afterwards in parish hall.
All are welcome.
Year of Prayer for Vocations to the Diocesan Priesthood
As part of the ‘Year of Prayer for Vocations to the Diocesan Priesthood’, St Joseph’s Young Priest Society invites you to join Archbishop Eamon on Sunday 22nd October in St Catherine’s Church, Ballapousta, Ardee, Co. Louth.
Holy Hour begins at 2pm followed by Mass at 3pm.
All are welcome.
If you’d like to make a contribution to the presentation gift for Fr. Murtagh, you’ll find envelopes at the back of the church in St. Brigid’s and Dromin.
They can be returned in the collection basket at Mass or to the parochial house.
Prayer Service for the Synod
Pope Francis has asked that Catholics throughout the world join this month in praying for the 16th Assembly of the Synod of Bishops which is taking place in Rome in these weeks.
Pope Francis launched the journey of synodality for the Church in October 2021 on the theme of “For a Synodal Church – Communion, Participation and Mission.”
As a