The next issue of Lannléire Review is being prepared.
If you’d like to submit an article / photos for consideration, please send them to the NEW email address for the magazine –
Closing date for submissions is 15th March
The next issue of Lannléire Review is being prepared.
If you’d like to submit an article / photos for consideration, please send them to the NEW email address for the magazine –
Closing date for submissions is 15th March
Sincere thanks to all those who continue to leave their used stamps in the boxes at the back of our churches. They really make a difference!
For more on the work of the organisation your stamps support, there are some information booklets at the back of St. Brigid’s and Dromin churches.
You can also learn more at
If anyone would like to join a cleaning rota for Dromin Church, please contact Fr. Damien. All help welcome.
The Armagh Inter-Diocesan Marriage Tribunal has launched a new website for any persons wishing to seek information about the marriage nullity process. The website can be found at
ACCORD Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG: is currently recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme facilitators.
If you have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church and if you have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team in supporting couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage, Accord wants to hear from
Upon his arrival in Ireland for the World Meeting of Families on 25 August 2018, Pope Francis met at Dublin Castle with representatives of civil, cultural and religious life, including the Taoiseach and members of the Government. Pope Francis said he was visiting Ireland to help families “reaffirm their commitment to loving fidelity, mutual assistance and reverence for God’s
For all the information on our Lenten liturgies,
just click here: