Posts Categorized: Home Page Notice
First Confession / Holy Communion
Just a reminder that parents / guardians must provide a Baptism Certificate for their child before they can receive the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion for the first time in our parish.
Liturgy of Reconciliation
For those who may have missed it, here is a recording of a Liturgy of Reconciliation led by Fr. Damien on Thursday 21st of December 2023 in St. Brigid’s Church Dunleer.
It is specifically for those who could not attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation in person in the Advent season, e.g. the homebound, those in hospitals, nursing homes, etc.
Moving into A New Year
As we prepare to begin a new calendar year, we take a few moments to look back at 2023 when…
Stamp Appeal for Charity
If you have any used stamps from cards, parcels, etc. at this time of year, you might consider leaving them in the boxes at the back of our churches for a worthy cause.
Last Episode in our Advent Podcast Series
Latest Podcast Episode
We’ve just posted the latest episode of our new podcast series – Lectio Divina – some (short) guided prayer time with the Gospel of the Third Sunday of Advent.
MASS INTENTIONS: 1st – 14th January
Due to holidays, any new Mass intentions for the period 1st – 14th January ought to be submitted by Friday 29th December so as to be included in the bulletins in those weeks.
They can be submitted via email at or by phone to the parochial house or to Fr. Damien.
Opening & Closing Our Churches
Volunteers are needed to join a rota to help maintain the opening & closing of St. Brigid’s and Dromin churches after Christmas, at least for the month of January. If available, please contact Fr. Damien.