Womens Group
Margaret: 087 1212870
The group meets in Saint Brigid’s Hall every Monday 10.30 – 12.30 and on Wednesdays at 8.30p.m. The group grew out of an Adult Education process and has developed into a self- help, arts and crafts and ongoing human development group.
› more about this groupMinisters of the Word
The latest rota for Ministers of the Word for St. Brigid’s Church is here: Readers Jan-Jun 2025
The Importance and Role of Ministers of the Word
“When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to His people, and Christ, present in His word, proclaims the Gospel. Therefore, the readings from the Word of God are to
› more about this groupBereavement Ministry – Remembrance Mass
Telephone Olivia: 041 686 1161.
Once a year in November, the Bereavement Ministry organise the liturgy for a special Mass to remember parishioners or relatives of parishioners who have died in the last year. A solemn calling of the names of the deceased in the last year and lighting of candles in their honor occurs at the Remembrance Mass.
› more about this groupMusic Ministry
The Parish Choir
Our parish choir sings at least twice a month at 11.30am Mass in St. Brigid’s Church under the leadership our organist Mr. Gerard Farrell. The choir also sings at other liturgies throughout the church year.
New members are always welcome! Just contact the parish office: https://www.dunleerparish.ie/contacts/
The Cara Folk Group
The Cara Folk Group sings regularly at
› more about this groupAltar Servers
To join the parish servers please contact your school principal or the parish office: 041 685 1278.
You may also make contact with the servers group through the sacristans in each of the parish churches.
› more about this groupActive Retirements Association
Chairperson: Mary Hughes, 041 685 1463
Treasurer: Paddy Bowden, 041 685 1279
One objective of the Active Retirement Associations is to provide active, retired people, aged at least 55 years with a focal point to meet and become involved in educational, cultural, sporting and social activities.
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