Lent In Our Parish


Ash Wednesday in Our Parish – March 5th

There will be Mass on Ash Wednesday at 10am and 7pm in St. Brigid’s. Ashes will be blessed and distributed at each Mass. There will also be a shorter liturgy (not Mass) at 8am in St. Brigid’s which may suit school pupils / students / etc. Ashes will be blessed and distributed at that liturgy. 

Lent in Our Parish This Year


“By the solemn forty days of Lent the Church unites herself each year to the mystery of Jesus in the desert.” (Catechism #540). This holy season begins on Wednesday 14th February. To help mark this season and to help us grow closer to the Lord Jesus, we’ll celebrate the following additional Lenten liturgies this year:  

Tuesdays in Lent

Lectio Divina (guided prayer with Scripture) in St. Brigid’s Church after 10am Mass (begins March 11th)

Thursdays in Lent

Pre-recorded guided prayer with Scripture video posted to parish YouTube channel – “Dunleer Parish Media” (begins March 13th).  

Fridays in Lent

 Stations of the Cross in St. Brigid’s Church each Friday at 7.30pm, with a different ‘theme’ each week – see below.

Stations of the Cross

This Lent


Our Parish