Our Livestream

St. Brigid’s Church in Dunleer is the only church in our parish with a livestream via a webcam. This webcam livestreams 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This image above shows the area that the webcam streams.

By entering this church, your general consent to broadcast your personal data (including audio and video recording) is presumed. Recording and / or broadcasting by any other means is not allowed without permission of the parish priest.

For more on our privacy policy, go to https://www.dunleerparish.ie/our-parish/privacy/

For more on our safeguarding policy, go to https://www.dunleerparish.ie/our-parish/safeguarding/


Here is our livestream:


You may also rewind and replay the livestream within an 11 hour window of the liturgy being broadcast over the livestream. The following document provides the instructions:




Our Parish