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Diocesan Levies and the Parish

From Fr. Damien:

Each year, each parish contributes to two diocesan funds – the Central Diocesan Fund and the Education Fund. Until this year, the amount of these levies was based on the number of families within the parish. In order to make the system more equitable, from this year the levies are now calculated by the diocese as a

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Stations of the Cross – Sunday 7pm

This weekend, we have with us one of the four statues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed by the Holy Father in January this year.

As an opportunity to gather together in prayer in honour of the Sacred Heart, special Stations of the Cross will be celebrated in St. Brigid’s Church this Sunday (23rd) at 7pm.


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Statue of the Sacred Heart

Our parish is privileged this weekend to have with us one of the four statues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed by the Holy Father in January this year.
The four statues are being brought around Ireland ahead of the consecration of our land to the Sacred Heart in June.



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Jubilee for the Sick & Healthcare Workers

As part of this Jubilee Year, the weekend of April 5th/6th focuses on the sick and healthcare workers. Special “Stations of the Cross for Caregivers” will be celebrated in St. Brigid’s Church, Dunleer on Friday April 4th at 7pm, followed by Blessing of Hands of Caregivers for doctors, nurses, carers, family carers, etc.

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