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First Confession / Holy Communion

Just a reminder that parents / guardians must provide a Baptism Certificate for their child before they can receive the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion for the first time in our parish.

 If I can assist in any way in helping you get the Certificate, please do not hesitate to contact me at
Fr. Damien

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Liturgy of Reconciliation

For those who may have missed it, here is a recording of a Liturgy of Reconciliation led by Fr. Damien on Thursday 21st of December 2023 in St. Brigid’s Church Dunleer.
It is specifically for those who could not attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation in person in the Advent season, e.g. the homebound, those in hospitals, nursing homes, etc.


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Moving into A New Year

As we prepare to begin a new calendar year, we take a few moments to look back at 2023 when…

In Baptism, we welcomed our newest members into the Church of God…
In Holy Communion our children received the Lord in a special way for the first time…
In Confirmation our young people were strengthened with the gifts of the