First Sunday of Each Month
The monthly coming together for a cup of tea and a chat in the parish hall after the 11.30am Mass takes place this Sunday (Nov 3rd). All are welcome, especially individuals and families who are new to the parish.
The monthly coming together for a cup of tea and a chat in the parish hall after the 11.30am Mass takes place this Sunday (Nov 3rd). All are welcome, especially individuals and families who are new to the parish.
Nominations for the new Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) are now welcome. These can be emailed to Fr. Damien at the parish email before Friday November 15th. You can put your own name forward or propose another parishioner (with their permission). Not all candidates proposed can be accepted onto the new PPC. It is hoped that candidates will
You can read the full letter here:
Giacomo was one of the seminarians who visited with us in June this year. Please do remember him in your prayers in these days.
Join us for an inspiring weekend with guest speakers including Lisa Cotter (Denver, Colorado), the Nashville Dominican Sisters, Fr. Barry Braum (London), Kathleen Nichols & Celine Kelly (Magdala, Israel), Bishop Kevin Doran (Elphin), Catherine DiNuzzo (Kansas), and Fr. Joseph Mary Deane, CFR, among others. This conference will celebrate the beauty and dignity of women in the Church and the world